A vertical cylindrical furnace for melting iron for casting. She rounded the lumps of dough and put them in the oven to bake. 为了铸造而溶解铁的圆形井式炉。她把面团揉成圆形,放在炉子里烤。
Calculation of the direct exchange areas in the cylindrical furnace using Monte Carlo method 在圆筒炉中应用蒙特卡洛法计算直接交换面积
Application of discrete ordinate method for the radiation heat transfer calculation in a cylindrical shape furnace 辐射离散坐标法在柱形炉膛中的辐射传热计算
Analysis and optimizing of steel structure of cylindrical furnace for petrochemical industry 石油化工圆筒炉的钢结构分析与优化
Influence of New Type Reflection Plates on Flow and Heat Transfer Inner Radiation Chamber of Cylindrical Furnace 新型结构反射板对圆筒炉辐射室流动及传热的影响
The zone method for calculation of cylindrical furnace of superheat steam 圆筒形蒸汽过热炉的区域计算法
Analysis on Bending Causes of Tubes in a Cylindrical Furnace 圆筒加热炉炉管弯曲变形原因分析
The Calibration of Two-Colour Method Measurement System for Radiation and the Measurement of Flame Radiation of the Cylindrical Oil-Burnt Furnace 双色法测试系统的标定及燃油炉火焰辐射的测量
Study on Orientation of Combustion Hot Spot for Fired Cylindrical Furnace 圆筒加热炉燃烧区内管壁过热点的定位研究
The paper design a optimal control system for cylindrical heating furnace with the outlet temperature as principal control parameter and gas flow capacity as supplementary control parameter. 对圆筒加热炉进行计算机优化控制,采用以出口温度为主调参数,以燃料流量为付调参数,组成串级调节回路以保证出口温度稳定。
Application of Monte Carlo method to radiative heat transfer in the cylindrical furnace 蒙特卡洛法在圆筒炉中辐射传热计算的应用
In this paper, the direct exchange area equations between any two zones in the cylindrical furnace are given. 本文给出了在圆筒炉中任意两区间的直接交换面积公式。
Mathematical Model of Zone Method in Calculating Radiating Heat Transfer and its Application in Box or Cylindrical Furnace 在方箱炉、圆筒炉中区域法计算辐射传热的数学模型及其应用
Study on Two-dimensional Flow and Temperature Field of the Radiative Chamber of a Cylindrical Pipe Furnace 管式圆筒炉辐射室二维流场和温度场的研究
Experimental studies of flame radiation in cylindrical oil-burnt furnace with two-colour method 燃油炉火焰辐射的双色法实验研究
Measurements of flame temperature with two-colour method and numerical calculations of radiation heat transfer in cylindrical oil-burnt furnace 燃油炉火焰温度的双色法测量与辐射换热的计算